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Verify Time to Readiness of Your Deployment

Quick startup times are favorable in Cloud environments to enable fast recovery and improve scaling.
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Verify Time to Readiness of Your Deployment

Quick startup times are favorable in Cloud environments to enable fast recovery and improve scaling.
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Verify Time to Readiness of Your Deployment

Quick startup times are favorable in Cloud environments to enable fast recovery and improve scaling.
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Verify Time to Readiness of Your Deployment

Quick startup times are favorable in Cloud environments to enable fast recovery and improve scaling.
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The experiment editor showing the visual structure of the experiment.The experiment editor showing the visual structure of the experiment.


Quick startup times are favorable in Cloud environments to enable fast recovery and improve scaling.


In Cloud environments it is accepted that a pod or container may crash - the more important principle is that it should recover fast. A faster startup time is beneficial in that case as it results in a smaller Mean Time To Recover (MTTR) and reduces the amount of user-facing downtime. Also, in case of request peaks, a reasonably short startup time allows scaling the deployment properly.


We simply stop a container of one of the pods in order to measure the amount of time until the pod is marked as ready again. Therefore, we ensure before stopping the container that the deployment is currently ready. If so, we stop the container and expect the number of ready pods to drop. Within a reasonable time (i.e. 60 seconds) the container should start up again and all desirable pods marked as ready.

Environment Example

A simple deployment with at least one pod at one running container is sufficient to try out the recipe. In our case, it is a container named toys-bestseller running a Java-based application.

Solution Sketch

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Deployment Pod Count

Verifies Kubernetes Deployment pod counts



Kubernetes deployments

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