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HTTP Check with Fixed Amount of Calls

Execute a specific amount of HTTP calls and verify responses.
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HTTP Check with Fixed Amount of Calls

Execute a specific amount of HTTP calls and verify responses.
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HTTP Check with Fixed Amount of Calls

Execute a specific amount of HTTP calls and verify responses.
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HTTP Check with Fixed Amount of Calls

Execute a specific amount of HTTP calls and verify responses.
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The http check within the experiment editor.The http check within the experiment editor.


With this extension you are able to check your http endpoints for availability and response time. You can also check the response body for specific strings.

Use Cases

  • Check if your http endpoints are available within a given amount of checks


DurationIn which timeframe should the specified requests be executed?GET
MethodThe HTTP method to use50%
URLThe URL to check.
BodyThe HTTP Body.
HeadersThe HTTP Headers.
NumberOfRequestsFixed number of Requests, distributed to given duration
StatusCodeWhich HTTP-Status code should be considered as success? This field supports ranges with '-' and multiple codes delimited by ';' for example '200-399;429'.
SuccessRateHow many percent of the Request must be at least successful (in terms of the given response status codes above) to continue the experiment execution? The result will be evaluated and the end of the given duration.200-299
ResponsesContainsThe Responses needs to contain the given string, otherwise the experiment will fail. The responses will be evaluated and the end of the given duration.
FollowRedirectsShould Redirects be followed?
ConnectTimeoutConnection Timeout for a single Call in seconds. Should be between 1 and 10 seconds.5s
ReadTimeoutRead Timeout for a single Call in seconds. Should be between 1 and 10 seconds.5s
MaxConcurrentMaximum count on parallel running requests. (min 1, max 10)5
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