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Check Topic Lag

Check the consumer lag for a given topic (lag is calculated by the difference between topic offset and consumer offset).
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Check Topic Lag

Check the consumer lag for a given topic (lag is calculated by the difference between topic offset and consumer offset).
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Check Topic Lag

Check the consumer lag for a given topic (lag is calculated by the difference between topic offset and consumer offset).
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Check Topic Lag

Check the consumer lag for a given topic (lag is calculated by the difference between topic offset and consumer offset).
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The action "Check Topic Lag" within the experiment editor.The action "Check Topic Lag" within the experiment editor.


With this action, Steadybit can check the lag of a consumer for a topic for a given time.

Use Cases

  • You can check the topic lag of your consumer during your experiments.
  • You can fail the experiment if the lag is over a certain threshold.


DurationThe duration of the attack.10s
Topic to track lagRequired. The topic to check the lag
Lag alert thresholdRequired. The acceptable threshold of offset difference between the topic offset and the consumer offset

Useful Templates

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Simulate Kafka brokers downtime and see how consumers are handling topic lag

An experiment to block access to brokers for consumers while producing records in the topic. The consumers should get back to consume when the kafka brokers are available again and the accumulated lag must be deal with quickly.

Message Queue
Kafka consumers
Kafka topics
Validate consumer's behavior when new leader is elected

Verify that your application handles a change of the leader properly.


By testing your system's resilience to Kafka leader changes in a partition, you can identify potential weaknesses and take appropriate measures to improve its performance.


To conduct this experiment, we will ensure that all Kafka topics and producers are ready and that the consumer receives and processes messages correctly. We will then elect a new leader for one partition in Kafka and expect the system to work fine.

Message Queue
Kafka consumers
Kafka topics
Check Kafka consumer's reaction to record loss


Intentionally deny access to the topic for consumers and during this time where consumption is stopped, delete records.

We can check the logs of the consumers to see how they handle the loss of records and also authorization access issues.

Message Queue
Kafka consumers
Kafka topics
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