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Node Count

Verifies Kubernetes node counts
Kubernetes cluster
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Node Count

Verifies Kubernetes node counts
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Node Count

Verifies Kubernetes node counts
Kubernetes cluster
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Node Count

Verifies Kubernetes node counts
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Check if the count of ready nodes is matching your expectation

It counts the number of all nodes and performs the check defined by the given check type.

Use Cases

  • Check if the ready node count matches a given amount
  • Check if the ready node count increases by a given amount
  • Check if the ready node count decreases by a given amount


TimeoutHow long should the check wait for the specified node count?10s
Check TypeHow should the node count change? (See values below)
Node CountHow many nodes are required or should change to let the check pass?

Check Type

You can use the node count check in one of the following modes:

  • actual count >= node count: Can be used to assure that the amount of nodes is equal or more compared to the given node count target.
  • actual count increases by node count: Check if the node count is above your given target.
  • actual count decreases by node count: Check if the node count is below your given target.

Useful Templates

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Kubernetes node shutdown results in new node startup

A resilient Kubernetes cluster can cope with a crashing node and simply starts a new one.


A changing number of nodes in your Kubernetes cluster is expected, as you may update your nodes from time to time or simply scale the cluster depending on traffic peaks. This is especially true when using spot instances in a Cloud environment. This requires the deployments to be node-independent and properly configured to be rescheduled on a newly started node or a node that still has free resources.


Before restarting a node, we verify that the cluster is healthy and that the deployments are ready. Afterward, we trigger the shutdown of the node of a specific Kubernetes deployment and expect the deployment to be rescheduled on any other node and a new node to start up within a reasonable amount of time.

Solution Sketch

  • Kubernetes liveness, readiness, and startup probes


Please be aware that we will shut down a node. Please ensure this is fine and your node is either virtual or can somehow be started up afterward.

Kubernetes cluster
Kubernetes deployments

More Kubernetes Cluster Actions

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