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StatefulSet Pod Count

Verifies Kubernetes StatefulSet pod counts
Kubernetes statefulsets
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StatefulSet Pod Count

Verifies Kubernetes StatefulSet pod counts
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StatefulSet Pod Count

Verifies Kubernetes StatefulSet pod counts
Kubernetes statefulsets
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StatefulSet Pod Count

Verifies Kubernetes StatefulSet pod counts
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Check if the count of ready pods is matching your expectation

It counts the number of all pods in the ready-state and compares it with the desired replica count. It, therefore, assumes that the specified mode (see below) becomes true within the specified timeout.

Use Cases

  • Check if the ready count is equal to the desired count
  • Check if the ready count is below the desired count
  • Check if there is at least one ready pod
  • Check if the pod count increases if you add load
  • Check if the pod count decreased if there is no more load


TimeoutHow long should the check wait for the specified pod count?10s
Pod CountHow should the pod count change? (See values below)

Pod Count

You can use the pod count check in one of the following modes:

  • ready count = desired count: Can be used to assure that the amount of desired ready pods is equal to the actual amount in the cluster. Helpful to check e.g. after an attack whether every pod is recovering.
  • ready count > 0: To assure that for each pod in the cluster at least one pod is available to serve the traffic.
  • ready count < desired count: To make sure that all pods matching the check's query are below the specified ready count. This can be helpful in case you want to verify that e.g. exhausting memory leads to restarting the pods.
  • actual count increases: Check if the pod count increases compared to the actual number of pods when you started the action.
  • actual count decreases: Check if the pod count decreases compared to the actual number of pods when you started the action.

More Kubernetes Statefulset Actions

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Kubernetes statefulsets
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