If you are not using our container images for the extension, you need install the tc (from the iproute2 package) tool to use the attack.
The network delay operates at the ip level and affects single packets. Thus, you may encounter http requests that are delayed by a multiple of the specified delay.
In this example the traffic is delayed by 500ms. If you tap the wire (using tcpdump) and feed it into Wireshark it looks like shown in the image above.
The first incoming packet initiates the tcp connection and is accepted by the second packet, which is delayed exactly be the 500ms.\
With the fourth packet we receive a http request in the payload. Which is acknowledged and answered with a http response in packet four to seven, which are also delayed by 500ms and thus the total latency for the http request sums up to 1 second.
How long should the traffic be delayed?
Restrict to which hosts the traffic is delayed
IP Address
Restrict to which IP address the traffic is delayed
Network Delay
How much should the traffic be delayed?
Network Interface
Target Network Interface which should be attacked. All if none specified.
Port Number
Restrict to which port number the traffic is delayed