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Verify System Unavailability Status During Redis Downtime

Check that your application handles a Redis cache downtime gracefully and continues to deliver its intended functionality. The cache downtime may be an unavailable Redis instance or a complete cluster.
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Verify System Unavailability Status During Redis Downtime

Check that your application handles a Redis cache downtime gracefully and continues to deliver its intended functionality. The cache downtime may be an unavailable Redis instance or a complete cluster.
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Verify System Unavailability Status During Redis Downtime

Check that your application handles a Redis cache downtime gracefully and continues to deliver its intended functionality. The cache downtime may be an unavailable Redis instance or a complete cluster.
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Verify System Unavailability Status During Redis Downtime

Check that your application handles a Redis cache downtime gracefully and continues to deliver its intended functionality. The cache downtime may be an unavailable Redis instance or a complete cluster.
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The experiment editor showing the visual structure of the experiment.The experiment editor showing the visual structure of the experiment.


Check that your application handles a Redis cache downtime gracefully and continues to deliver its intended functionality. The cache downtime may be an unavailable Redis instance or a complete cluster.


Redis downtime can lead to degraded system performance, lost data, and potentially long system recovery times. By testing the resilience of your system to Redis downtime, you can ensure that your system can handle the outage gracefully and continue to deliver its intended functionality. Additionally, you can identify any potential weaknesses in your system and take appropriate measures to improve its performance and resilience.


We will verify that a load-balanced user-facing endpoint fully works while having all pods ready. As soon as we simulate Redis downtime, we expect the system to indicate unavailability appropriately and maintain its throughput. To simulate downtime, we can shut down the Redis instance. The experiment aims to ensure that your system can handle the outage gracefully and continue to deliver its intended functionality. The performance should return to normal after the Redis instance is available again.

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Screenshot showing the Steadybit UI elements to import the experiment.json file into the Steadybit platform.
MaintainerAntoine Choimet (SRE)

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