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Load Balancing of Kubernetes Deployment when One Pod Crashes

If configured properly, Kubernetes is able to detect a non-responding pod and tries to fix it by simply restarting the unresponsive pod. Even so, the exact configuration requires careful consideration to avoid killing your pods too early or flooding your cluster’s traffic with liveness probes.
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Load Balancing of Kubernetes Deployment when One Pod Crashes

If configured properly, Kubernetes is able to detect a non-responding pod and tries to fix it by simply restarting the unresponsive pod. Even so, the exact configuration requires careful consideration to avoid killing your pods too early or flooding your cluster’s traffic with liveness probes.
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Load Balancing of Kubernetes Deployment when One Pod Crashes

If configured properly, Kubernetes is able to detect a non-responding pod and tries to fix it by simply restarting the unresponsive pod. Even so, the exact configuration requires careful consideration to avoid killing your pods too early or flooding your cluster’s traffic with liveness probes.
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Load Balancing of Kubernetes Deployment when One Pod Crashes

If configured properly, Kubernetes is able to detect a non-responding pod and tries to fix it by simply restarting the unresponsive pod. Even so, the exact configuration requires careful consideration to avoid killing your pods too early or flooding your cluster’s traffic with liveness probes.
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In case a pod becomes temporarily unavailable you want to ensure that Kubernetes is properly reacting excluding that pod from the Service and restarting it.


If configured properly, Kubernetes is able to detect a non-responding pod and tries to fix it by simply restarting the unresponsive pod. Even so, the exact configuration requires careful consideration to avoid killing your pods too early or flooding your cluster’s traffic with liveness probes.


Before killing a container of a Kubernetes pod we verify that a load-balanced user-facing endpoint is working properly and all pods of a Kubernetes deployment are marked as ready. As soon as one container crashes, Kubernetes should detect the crashed container via a failing liveness probe and mark the related pod as not ready. Now, Kubernetes is expected to restart the container so that the pod becomes ready within a certain amount of time. The user-facing HTTP endpoint may suffer from degraded performance when being under load (e.g. lower success rate or higher response time). Even so, this is expected to be within the SLA boundaries.

Environment Example

The Kubernetes deployment gateway consists of two pods and exposes an HTTP endpoint. We validate whether this HTTP endpoint is working even when one pod crashes with a success rate of at least 95%.

Solution Sketch

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Deployment Pod Count

Verifies Kubernetes Deployment pod counts



Kubernetes deployments

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