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Reasonable Recovery Time when Losing a Pod

Kubernetes cluster
Kubernetes deployments
Kubernetes pods
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Reasonable Recovery Time when Losing a Pod

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Reasonable Recovery Time when Losing a Pod

Kubernetes cluster
Kubernetes deployments
Kubernetes pods
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Reasonable Recovery Time when Losing a Pod

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When deleting a pod, Kubernetes should bring up a new pod to ensure system stability.


Deleting a pod simulates situations in which, for any reason, a pod stops working properly and needs to be rescheduled. This experiment makes sure that rescheduling works as expected and newly scheduled pods become ready within the expected timeframe.


All pods should be ready to accept traffic at the beginning of the experiment. Rescheduling should start as soon as a pod is deleted. Eventually, after the allotted time, all pods should be ready again.

How to use this template?

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Import as Experiment

Simply download the template and upload it as an experiment to use it once. Perfect if you are no administrator in the platform and just want to use the template once.

.json (4KB)

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Delete Pod
Deletes a pod
Kubernetes pods
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