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Delete Pod

Deletes a pod
Kubernetes pods
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Delete Pod

Deletes a pod
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Delete Pod

Deletes a pod
Kubernetes pods
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Delete Pod

Deletes a pod
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This attack allows you to delete one or multiple pods. Pods are deleted once using kubectl delete pod.

By benefitting from Steadybit's discovery, you can easily delete multiple pods, e.g., from different deployments in a namespace or a certain availability zone (only available for managed Kubernetes and requires the AWS-extension, Azure-extension, or GCP-extension).

Use Cases

  • Check if your application is still available if certain pods are restarting
  • Check how long it takes until new pods are respawned and ready (in combination with a pod count check)
  • Verify that your leader election works for a set of pods


No parameters.


No rollback possible.

Useful Templates

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Keep Deployment's pods down

Check what happens when all pods of a Kubernetes deployment aren't coming up again.


Typically, Kubernetes tries to keep as many pods running as desired for a Kubernetes deployment. However, some circumstances may prevent Kubernetes from achieving this, like missing resources in the cluster, problems with the deployment's probes, or a CrashLoopBackOff. You should validate what happens to your upstream services that are using the given deployment as a downstream service.


To keep the pods down for a given deployment, we first kill all the pods in the deployment. Simultaneously, we will scale down the Kubernetes deployment to 0 to simulate that these pods can't be scheduled again. At the of the experiment, we automatically roll back the deployment's scale to the initial value.

Upstream Service
Kubernetes cluster
Kubernetes deployments
Kubernetes pods
Reasonable recovery time when losing a pod

When deleting a pod, Kubernetes should bring up a new pod to ensure system stability.


Deleting a pod simulates situations in which, for any reason, a pod stops working properly and needs to be rescheduled. This experiment makes sure that rescheduling works as expected and newly scheduled pods become ready within the expected timeframe.


All pods should be ready to accept traffic at the beginning of the experiment. Rescheduling should start as soon as a pod is deleted. Eventually, after the allotted time, all pods should be ready again.

Kubernetes cluster
Kubernetes deployments
Kubernetes pods
Keep StatefulSet's pods down

Check what happens when all pods of a Kubernetes StatefulSet aren't coming up again.


Typically, Kubernetes tries to keep as many pods running as desired for a Kubernetes StatefulSet. However, some circumstances may prevent Kubernetes from achieving this, like missing resources in the cluster, problems with the StatefulSet's probes, or a CrashLoopBackOff. You should validate what happens to your upstream services that are using the given StatefulSet as a downstream service.


To keep the pods down for a given StatefulSet, we first kill all the pods in the StatefulSet. Simultaneously, we will scale down the Kubernetes StatefulSet to 0 to simulate that these pods can't be scheduled again. At the of the experiment, we automatically roll back the StatefulSet's scale to the initial value.

Downstream Service
Kubernetes cluster
Kubernetes pods
Kubernetes statefulsets

More Kubernetes Pod Actions

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