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Trigger Delete Records

Trigger delete records to move the offset relative to the last known offset for each selected partition
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Trigger Delete Records

Trigger delete records to move the offset relative to the last known offset for each selected partition
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Trigger Delete Records

Trigger delete records to move the offset relative to the last known offset for each selected partition
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Trigger Delete Records

Trigger delete records to move the offset relative to the last known offset for each selected partition
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The action "Trigger Delete Records" within the experiment editor.The action "Trigger Delete Records" within the experiment editor.


With this action, Steadybit can delete records, you specify the number of last records that needs to be deleted (warning: by last records we are referring to the topic ones, not the consumed ones).

To avoid kafka issues, we recommend to block the consumers of the topic targeted either by a block network or a kafka deny access action and during this time to trigger the delete records action.

Use Cases

  • While blocking a consumer, delete some records to see how consumer reacts when records are missing or there is a gap in the records consumed.


X from newest OffsetTo move the offset in the past, 0 means to the last known offset (skipping every records from where the consumer was).
Partition to issue delete records requestsOne or more partitions to delete the records.

Useful Templates

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Check Kafka consumer's reaction to record loss


Intentionally deny access to the topic for consumers and during this time where consumption is stopped, delete records.

We can check the logs of the consumers to see how they handle the loss of records and also authorization access issues.

Message Queue
Kafka consumers
Kafka topics
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