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Produce (# of Records)

Produce a certain amount of kafka messages for a given duration
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Produce (# of Records)

Produce a certain amount of kafka messages for a given duration
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Produce (# of Records)

Produce a certain amount of kafka messages for a given duration
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Produce (# of Records)

Produce a certain amount of kafka messages for a given duration
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The action "Produce (# of Records)" within the experiment editor.The action "Produce (# of Records)" within the experiment editor.


With this action, Steadybit can become a producer and send records at the desired rate.

Use Cases

  • You can check the behaviour of your consumer under various types of messages
  • You can artificially create lags for your topic by producing messages at a high throughput


Record KeyOptional. You can define a key, that could define the partitions used based on the partitions logics in place (default is round robin).
Record ValueRequired. The value of the record to generate
Record HeadersThe Record Headers.
DurationThe duration of the attack.10s
Number of recordsThe number of records to create, the rate will be defined by this number divided by the duration of the attack.
Success RateHow many percent of the records must be at least successful, that means not encountering any errors while sending the record to the broker.100%
MaxConcurrentMaximum count on parallel running requests. (min 1, max 10)5

Useful Templates

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Check Kafka consumer's reaction to record loss


Intentionally deny access to the topic for consumers and during this time where consumption is stopped, delete records.

We can check the logs of the consumers to see how they handle the loss of records and also authorization access issues.

Message Queue
Kafka consumers
Kafka topics
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Message Queue
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